SBAC Individual Student Results Will Be Arriving Soon

This summer, you will receive your child’s results on the annual statewide test. Given that this year’s test is new, you should consider these results a baseline for marking future growth. As we have discussed in recent newsletters, we are in a transition period—we have identified new skills that students should master, we have been teaching those skills in new and novel ways, and now we are assessing progress with a new test.
The scores on this test will not be comparable to last year’s annual test scores, as the old test assessed a different set of skills. Additionally, we have raised expectations for what students should be able to do, so this year’s results may show that fewer students have mastered the desired skills. This is OK because we are headed in the right direction. As students spend more time with the new curriculum, their skills will improve.
When you receive these test results, please support your child in areas that seem to be more challenging, and take time to celebrate all of the different ways in which your child has grown this year. If you have any questions about interpreting the Smarter Balanced Assessment System score report, please feel free to contact me.